Citation - Boston Gazette: 1731.05.10

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Index Entry Belinda [t] [beg] Pardon ye nine, if now my daring muse 
Location Boston 
3-10 May 1731:11,12 (593)
BELINDA, or, the poet to his Mistress.
Pardon ye nine, if now my daring muse
For a bright theme does fair Belinda chuse:
Without your aid if she her glory sings,
And soars aloft on Cupid's downy wings.
. . . [34 more lines]
Invective against Port Mahon.
. . . [8 lines]
Advice to Vendome.
. . . [8 lines]

Generic Title Boston Gazette 
Date 1731.05.10 
Publisher Marshall, Henry 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1731 
Bibliography B0004423
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